
Equipping the next generation to passionately love Jesus and the world around them. 


We love the sweet babies, toddlers and their families! We fully believe that these kiddos are the right now generation; that they too can and do experience the presence of God.  Our goal is to provide a fun and interactive program tailored just for nursery aged kids to help them know Jesus and grow spiritually through the love, prayer and care of our volunteers.  We also want parents to know we have a comfortable and quiet nursing room with a TV view of service, as well as multiple cry rooms with a direct view of service always available!

Pre K - 3rd Grade 

We love Pre-k through 3rd graders!  We want to equip them as they grow to know God’s word and his heart for them. Our curriculum goes through the entire bible every 3 years so that the kids know God’s story as well as getting to interact with Him through prayer and worship. We want to see our kids thrive as they develop spiritually and physically to use their gifts for the glory of God. We want to partner with parents to raise these future world changers who love and pursue God in every area of life. We do that by helping them discover, develop, and use their gifts for the glory of God; engage in worship, study the Bible, and pray.

4th & 5th

We love 4th and 5th graders
We wholeheartedly believe that they have an amazing place in our church and community. We strive to teach our 4th and 5th graders about the amazing things that God has done as well as teach them who God has made them to be as they grow in leadership. We know that kids have a lot to offer so we provide them with leadership development training courses, leadership camps, and outreach opportunities, as well as give them opportunities to serve on our church’s ministry team and serve other kids in our younger ministries.
Canyon View Kids is here to equip our children, newborn to 5th grade, to glorify God and grow to their identity in Christ by partnering with parents in knowing God and his word, developing spiritually, and serving and leading in our church and community. We believe empowered kids will be world changers for Jesus!
We start our check-in time 15 minutes before our services start. We encourage you to come to get your family checked in and then enjoy the start of our services with worship for families to engage in together. The kids are then dismissed to their classes during sermon time. Kids church services and nursery services end at the same time that adult services end so we ask that you pick up your children promptly, no more than 10 minutes after service ends to honor the volunteer's time with their families.

Upon check-in, each child receives a printed tag with a series of letters and numbers on them. When a child needs you, that number/letter will show up on the screen in the main auditorium.

Sunday Morning Schedule


Our drop off time begins at 8:45AM


Our drop off time begins at 10:45AM