FAQ- Nursery

What to bring for Your - 3yr olds

2-3 disposable diapers or pull ups as needed.
Extra set of clothes for restroom accidents
Pacifier or any other items that your child may need for comfort.
Bottles with formula (prepped bottles are ok-we have a refrigerator).
Sippy cup.

What about snacks and allergies?

We provide snacks for kids 1 -3 years old unless otherwise directed by parents. These snacks consist of cracker and cookie type snacks. We ensure that there are no peanut products in our snacks. However we do sometimes have a snack that was in a factory that also has peanut products made there. Parents are always welcome to provide their child their own snack and we also have the original packages for parents to review. Please ensure that your child has their allergy listed on their name tag (our check in team is happy to assist you with this) and please tell their classroom teacher.

Moving up to the 3yr old room, what does that look like?

We want our 3 year old's to have a smooth transition as they grow from Nursery to Children’s Ministry. We also want your child to be ready and confident in that transition. To move up, we ask that our 3 year old's are confident in using the bathroom independently as well as be ready to start joining in family worship periodically. Please come talk to us when you feel your child is ready to move up.

Child Dedications 

We see a woman named Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:27-28, who prayed for many years for God to give her a child. God heard her prayers and she gave birth to a son, Samuel. After Samuel’s birth, Hannah prayed to God “I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.”
We believe that child dedications are a special time for parents, just like Hannah, to commit that they are raising and leading their family God’s way. We love celebrating this moment as a church family so that we can love and support you as you begin this journey!
We invite families with children ages 0 - 4 years to participate in our dedications.