We are excited to launch our Jesus-centered emotional health and recovery support services! 
We would love to meet the needs of people looking for support through their emotional wellness journey.
Call: 970-205-9306        Email: bewell@canyonviewchurch.com


Peer Coaching
For anyone interested in1 on 1-on-session with a Peer Coach to talk about specific challenges
Men's Freedom 101 (Group will resume in the fall)
6-week group for men struggling with addictions or habits they can't seem to get free from.
Women's Freedom 101  (Group will resume in the fall)
A 6-week group for women struggling with addictions or habits they can't seem to get free from.
Anxiety and Depression Group (Group will resume in the fall)
6-week group for people looking for tools to help with anxiety, worry, sadness, and depression.
Marriage Ministry
Several ways to help your marriage or prepare for a marriage.  
Email: sethc@canyonviewchurch.com
Freedom Ministry 
Helping to overcome strongholds or demonic influence through deliverance.
 Help heal trauma or get delivered through a process led by the Holy Spirit.
Email: sozoprayer@canyonviewchurch.com
Master’s Pieces - Stress Management Art Experiences  
6-week group using art to manage stress (This is not a class teaching how to do art). 
Emotionally Focused Foundation 
Group of learning how to overcome vows we have made that have shaped us. 


CVVC is one of the locations for The Emergency Food Assistance Program. This Federal program helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food at no cost.
Mesa County residents who meet the eligibility guidelines that live in the remote zip codes of 81520-81526 can receive food assistance on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 11:45 am - 1:45 pm. TEFAP is changing location, date, and time. We will be at the Teller Arms Shopping Center near Planet Fitness and Big Lots on North Ave. The income and eligibility requirements will be the same.

The Team


Director of the Compassion Ministry


Ministry Assistant 


Compassion Admin